Do you want to live your life in a flow, perfect timing and synchronicity? Feel yourself happy, enjoy life and fulfill your dreams?

This practice can change your life in 28 days. It will help you to change your negative mindset into positive and will teach you to maintain the state of happiness and joy.

How is this possible in 28 days?

The universe responds to your thoughts and emotions. So, when you complain and are unhappy, you attract negative events. When you give thanks for the good things you already have, you change not only your thoughts, but also your emotions. And on these vibrations, you attract completely different events and people.

What results will you get:

You will magically improve all spheres of your life: finances, relationships, services, health, as well as your satisfaction in life.

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I want to share the first big miracle after today's practice "Money Magnet". My son borrowed a large sum of money from my friend and couldn´t pay it back for several months, while he himself was waiting to be paid for his work, which have been delayed for several months. He had no possibilities to return it. It is clear, that this situation worried me a lot, to say the truth! Today he received his money and will be able to send it to her. Finally, the situation was resolved in the best possible way. I’m so grateful for this miracle.
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Julia, thank you for everything. One of my desires was to travel with my man. Today my husband has bought tickets to Vietnam to celebrate my birthday. We haven't gone anywhere without kids for a long time. I’m so happy.
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This practice is awesome. As for small events, I wrote down my list of blessings on a certain topic, and they materialized on the same or the next day. I was grateful to my mother-in-law for delicious pies on holidays, the next day she calls and brings new pies, without a holiday, just like that. I gave thanks for pending administrative services in advance - in a couple of days I received a notification, that the documents were ready ahead of schedule. I was grateful for my health - the issue was resolved remarkably. Etc. My main wishes this time are big and require time, two of them are already in the process of being fulfilled. I'll tell you when it's done.
JuliaTV producer
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Friends, good morning! My name is Julia and I have known our Yulia for quite a long time! I thank fate for our meeting, I am writing a “meeting”, because I understand that we have known each other for more than one life. I had my first internship with Yulia in March 2017, and according to my results, I will say this: if you are grateful for what you already have, then the results are impressive! Yulia, I’m sincerely grateful for this work and your support.
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I'm doing this course for the seventh time already. This practice is awesome and every time I’m more and more convinced in this, and under the guidance of Yulia, everything goes easy and in a flow. As for my results from the past practices: a trip to Germany went perfectly well, I have improved relations with my man and we bought a house of my dreams. I want to return to this practice again and again.
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I go through the practice second time. I just smoothly moved from the October practice into this one. I went for the second round, because the results did not just please me - they stunned me. Apparently, due to this practice, energy changes so much, that everything changes. From service in restaurants, free parking spaces, opening ticket offices and passport control windows right in front of you, to realizing big projects and dreams. That's why I'm here again. I thank you all for the energy you bring into the group, I know that you are beautiful, strong and large-scale. Let's create together.

This is a group practice online, 28 days, the price is 500 euros,